Hello, I am Dr. Tatiana Madrigal


Specialist in Periodontics




+506 2228-0141



Short Biography​

Dr. Tatiana Madrigal is a dental professional with more than 30 years and 25 years dedicated to the specialty of periodontics. She graduated with a bachelor's degree from the University of Costa Rica in 1994 and her master's degree in Periodontology from the Autonomous University of Nuevo León in 1998. She was a professor at the Universidad Latina de Costa Rica for 5 years. At this time he is dedicated exclusively to Periodontics, especially natural regenerative surgery and periodontal plastic surgery. His extensive experience has allowed him to create a bond with each patient, especially those who are difficult to manage. Giving them security in treatment and treatment

Specialist in Periodontics, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, México, 1998.

Master in Science, U.A.N.L. México 1998.

Dental Education

  • Professor and Head Chairwoman: Universidad Latina 1999 – 2005.
  • Training Course in Oral Implantology 2010
    Professor of Periodontics at Universidad Latina de Costa Rica.
  • Doctor in dental surgery, Universidad de Costa Rica. 1993.
  • Member of Colegio Cirujano Dentistas.
    Recognized by Costa Rican Board of Dentistry.
  • Member of ICOI (International Congress of Oral implantologist).